Tuesday, February 15, 2022

SCD Cookbooks Available at Fort Worth Public Library

 The Fort Worth public library carries some great SCD cookbooks. Fort Worth residents can go online to request titles and then pick up at the nearest library branch. The library  website: https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library If you would like them to carry a book they don't have, you can request a purchase for their collection. I have found they are more likely to purchase newer titles.

Here are the current titles:

The SCD for Autism and ADHD: A Reference and Dairy-Free Cookbook for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, by Pamela Ferro R.N., Raman Prasad, & Nilou Moochhala.  The first half of the book contains fascinating information on the diet and gut research for autism and ADHD, and is a valuable guide for implementing the diet. The second half contains over 150 dairy-free recipes. You don't have to be dairy-free to enjoy the book. The recipe for crepes alone is worth it's weight in gold. They make great sandwich wraps.

Every Last Bite: A Deliciously Clean Approach to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Carmen Sturdy. This book contains over 150 recipes. Fans of her blog (https://www.everylastbite.com/) will enjoy this cookbook.

Everyday Grain-Free Baking by Kelly Smith. Not every recipe in this book is SCD legal, but of more than 100 recipes the majority are. The recipes are clearly marked which are SCD and which are not, both on the recipe itself and on each chapter index. The only red flag I saw was and option to add gelatin to yogurt while making it (you need to stick with BTVC for yogurt instructions).

There is a wide selection of SCD baked goods, from breads, rolls, biscuits, crackers, scones,  pancakes, waffles, muffins, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, bars, pies, tarts, custards, crisps, granola, frosting, pastry cream, etc. I have tried the cinnamon rolls and cinnamon crumb coffee cake and both were delicious. 

Most of the baked good recipes use a combination of almond and coconut flour. She does have some all coconut flour recipes such as a biscuit, muffins, pancakes, a cupcake, and a snack bar. 

Against All Grain by Danielle Walker. This is another book where there is an occasional recipe that is not SCD legal, but she also clearly marks which are. This book contains a great selection of everyday recipes and is a favorite cookbook among many SCDers. Not to mention it was a New York Times bestseller, which just goes to show how delicious SCD can be.

Nutrition in Immune Balance (NIMBAL) Therapy: Using Diet to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease by David L. Suskind M.D.  This is the dietary program for IBD at Seattle Children's Hospital based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This book contains helpful guidelines for implementing the diet for your child and a selection of SCD recipes. Dr. Suskind has been a speaker at SCDROCKS conferences which can be found here: https://specificcarbohydratedietassociation.org/dr-david-suskind-1

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