The results of the DINE-CD study were recently published. The study goal was to determine if diet really can make a difference in Crohn's Disease. Both the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the Mediterranean Diet were studied. The good news? Diet does indeed matter!
"Researchers compared the effectiveness of a Mediterranean style diet to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ in nearly 200 Crohn’s disease patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms on stable doses of medications. With both diets, nearly half of the patients experienced resolution of their symptoms. After six weeks, 43.5% of patients following a Mediterranean style diet and 46.5% of patients following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ achieved symptomatic remission.."
"FC {Fecal Calprotectin} response was achieved in 8/23 participants (34.8%) with SCD and 4/13 participants (30.8%) with MD (P = .83). CRP response was achieved in 2/37 participants (5.4%) with SCD and 1/28 participant (3.6%) with MD (P = .68)."
The study was funded by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and another grant.
To see the announcement at the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation click here.
More Information on Diet and IBD
For those of you just beginning your journey of researching diet for IBD, here are valuable links to gastroenterologists experienced with this topic. Of course, the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall, a microbiologist, is a must read.
--The Specific Carbohydrate Diet Association has a video library that includes several from doctors:
-- Dr David Suskind of Seattle Children's Hospital does an excellent presentation explaining how diet affects the microbiome and what goes wrong in IBD: